Monday 29 November 2010

Teenage dream & deathly hallows

I love Katy Perry's song Teenage dream. Just like about everyone right now. I used to not like her at all because she seemed so shallow and all, especially around the time when she made I kissed a girl. But lately I've started to like her. This song really captures the intensity of teenage infatuation and it makes me miss it. Like, a lot you know!
Besides all the interpretation, the song is also great musically. There have been some pretty rad covers like the one on Glee or the following one (I love the drummer!!)

Just listen to it. I love how the voices are so unlike each other and somehow they mix together really well. (The band is called the Rescues and I never heard of them before.)

Also, is it just me or does going to university mean you can't be a teenager anymore? I mean, what kind of bullshit is that? I haven't even stopped being a kid, let alone a teenager. Yes, I live on my own but I still have a stuffed bear. I still read Harry Potter and I'm still no good at cleaning my room. I still doodle in my scrapbooks, but everyone else apparently is too cool for that now. I do go to class now because I like too and because I want too, but a huge part of me is still that little blonde girl who looks away shyly. (Why didn't my ex-boyfriend give me back that picture? Damn.)

Speaking of Harry Potter, I saw the Deathly Hallows pt 1 this Saturday with my bestieeee! Yay for that. I do hate how we got there at 2000 to see the 2015, which was sold out, then got in line again for the 2100 showing, which was sold out when we got to the end of the line and eventually had to go to the 2200! For way too much money, may I add. Luckily we took two bags of crisps and bought a liter coke to share! I did feel a bit homeless as I sat on the steps waiting for time to pass while sharing a coke and stuffing crisps in my face like it was some kind of competition. Nevertheless, we had a great time joking and giggling and sucking on ice cubes. My friend does the best impression of a blowfish ever! (Although I'm pretty skilled too!)
And that was even before HP&DH started!
It was literally tension tension tension all the way. I was completely mesmerized by the movie and got scared quite a few times, which resulted in me crushing my friend's hand as she hid in my huuuuge snowboarding jacket! I sat next to one of the ugliest guys ever who had a hideous chin piercing who was pretending to be super macho but it didn't really matter 'cause we had a great time! I hate how it suddenly stopped with a huge cliffhanger, but then again the first half lasted 2.5 hours and I don't think I could've sat through 5 hours without having to pee!
And even though I agree that the films are nothing like the books, I think they always do a great job with the feeling that's behind the scenes. Especially the music is just great. You get the general feel of awesomeness at a Quidditch match, the tension is awful when Harry & Hermione get to Godric's Hollow...

All in all, I really just can't wait to see the final part! I'd love to have some sort of marathon before, watching all of the movies, but I doubt I'll last through that. Maybe split it in two? 4-4? Ah, anyway, I started reading HP 7 again (even though I'm crazy b-.. you get my drift).

Oh! And I saw Lady GAGA live!!!!
But there are just no words for that. Maybe the fact that I've felt amazing since the show? Maybe how she asked us to not leave the show loving her the most but loving ourselves the most? Maybe the fact that she's the most gorgeous, talented woman to walk this earth? I love Mother Monster.

Another day, another rant. So long beautiful! X S

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